Saturday, 22 December 2012

Cagayan part II

Happy Holidays everyone!
have you decided to where will you be spending your Christmas days this year? :]

oh well... I just thought of sharing this blogpost with you guys
I just miss the our previous Christmas celebration.

Map of Cagayan showing the location of Santa Ana

and here it is, Sta. Ana, Cagayan, the northeastern-most part of the Philippines.
It may have been so far, but the place was so beautiful and peaceful.

Maybe you're thinking, "what's with the cars?"
well in this place, we have the Cagayan Economic Zone Authority (CEZA), wherein Japan surplus cars are being imported- Port Irene.
that's why there are cars almost all over the place. I remembered of sharing this because we went back here last November, and I missed the feeling of being so overwhelmed by the vehicles surrounding the place. :]

sedan, van, luxury cars...your choice! i wish...

the Babuyan Channel

hey look! along the way. I saw this store haha
my nickname!!! :]
cool! :]

wherever you may be, enjoy the holidays and feel the spirit of Yuletide season! :]


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